Phone: 212-702-3700, Diamond Insurance Company Attention: Loss Runs Department, Clermont Insurance Company 751 Broad Street Ephrata, PA17522-0587 Oakbrook Terrace, IL60181 Owatonna, MN55060 Phone: 843-579-2214, Email: (Email for Loss Runs), Global Insurance Company Phone: 570-748-3234, Franklin Mutual Insurance Co Phone: 608-837-4440, General Fire & Casualty Co Toll Free: (800) 842-8972 Phone: 802-264-4587, McMillan-Warner Mutual Ins Co P.O. P.O. P.O. Warwick, RI02886-1753 53596 Phone: (925) 493-7525, Global Hawk Insurance Company RRG Chicago, IL60610-4445 Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. Phone: 208-934-5729, Gemini Insurance St. Paul, MN55101-2026 1256 State Route 5 Bryant, AR72089 Box 167888 Kennesaw, GA30144 Montpelier, VT05601-0188 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Dongbu Insurance Co., Ltd USB How do I get a loss run report from progressive? Tampa, FL33619-3354 200 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 100 Cleveland, OH44124-4058 Dallas, TX75219 Vinton, IA52349 Phone: (412) 454-2978, Upper Hudson National Insurance Co 3250 Grey Hawk Ct, Ste Z WI Lafayette, CA94549 Phone: 212-297-6600, Transatlantic Reinsurance Co Scottsdale, AZ85258-2108 Fort Lee, NJ07024 Thomasville, GA31799-1541 Phone: 715-754-2525, Eagle Insurance Company P.O. Attention: Loss Runs Department, Chautauqua Patrons Ins Co P.O. Attention: Loss Runs Department, White Pigeon Mutual Insurance Assn Las Vegas, NV89148 P.O. Texas Customers: Insurance provided by GEICO Southern County Mutual Insurance Company, administered by Northland Insurance Company. San Diego, CA92186-5563 Attention: Loss Runs Department, ________________________________________________________, CRC Insurance Three Parkway, Compliance Washington, DC20005-6705 Phone: 804-290-1000, Virginia Health Sys Allian RRG 1725 Hopley Avenue 400 Robert Street North, Suite 1700 Phone: 206-682-0991, Richport Insurance Company 1600 Kapiolani, Suite 1520 . Phone: 616-447-3600, Michigan Millers Mutual Ins Co Exton, PA19341-1275 Troy, PA16947 With an experienced team of underwriting, claims and governance experts we work in partnership with you to help grow your business. Phone: 570-746-1515, Twenty Mile Insurance Services, Inc. Charleston, SC29401-2238 Pflugerville, TX78660 c/o Marsh Management Services, Inc., 151 Meeting Street, Suite 301 Phone: 800-752-1895, FAX: 267-825-9293 (PLM-Sharon Gilpatrick, Underwriter), Email: (TN Loss Runs), PA Physicians Recip Insurers Attention: Loss Runs Department, Health Future Ins Exchange, A RRG Carlsbad, CA92010 P.O. Phone: 301-961-9800, VICTORE INSURANCE COMPANY You have the phone number All rights reserved. Oriskany, NY13424 Stamford, CT06902 Phone: 781-332-7000, OneCIS Insurance Company Phone: 312-993-3600, Yosemite Insurance Company Attention: Loss Runs Department, Flagship City Insurance Co Box 2807 New York, NY10005 The Hartfords customer service center is convenient and helpful for business insurance policyholders. Phone: 708-848-3371, LVHN RRG Dallas, TX75219 Phone: 478-471-9850 300 First Stamford Place Phone: 203-563-6000, Prairie Pine Mutual Insurance Company A loss is the injury or damage sustained by the insured in consequence of the happening of one or more of the accidents or misfortunes against which the insurer, in consideration of the premium, has undertaken to indemnify the insured. Los Angeles, CA90017 Bldg 900, Suite 1 Box 1541 Chicago, IL60601 6 West 18th Street, 11th Floor P.O. Clearwater, FL33756 Attention: Loss Runs Department, DaimlerChrysler Insurance Co Beaumont, TX77704-0083 8000 Warren Parkway, Suite 300 Greensburg, PA15601 There are several reasons why you might need a loss run report. Burlington, VT05401 333 North Canyons Parkway Phone: 302-477-1710 5656 Frantz Road Appreciate. Box 3580 Kansas City, MO64112 Phone: 717-626-4751 Phone: 925-283-2050, Sirius America Insurance Phone: 800-227-2757, Elite Transportation RRG Phone: 847-605-6000, Fidelity Fire & Casualty Company Attention: Loss Runs Department, Security America Risk Retention Grp, Inc Phone: 804-273-1400, Esurance Insurance Company Phone: 712-364-2623 Report a claim or contact Chubb with general questions or comments, and see where our international offices are located. 3250 Grey Hawk Ct., Unit Z Box 64816 St. Paul, MN 55164-0816 Phone number: 800-237-9334 Express shipments and courier deliveries Northland Insurance 385 Washington Street Mail Code 9275 SB03N St. Paul, MN 55102-1309 Hartford, CT Northland Insurance One Tower Square Mail Code GS07 Hartford, CT 06183-3004 Phone number: 800-842-9914 Express shipments and courier deliveries Phone: 800.572.2412, Somerset Casualty Insurance Phone: 340-776-8050 Phone: 800-392-1970, Specialty Surplus Insurance Co To request a loss run report, you'll need to contact your insurance carrier or agent directly. 1800 2nd Street, Suite 909E 14 Wall Street, 8th Floor 3440 Toringdon Way, Suite 300 Box 2085 Phone: 512-338-1404, Lumbermens Undrtg Alliance Phone: 817-732-2111, Wellington Specialty Ins Co Phone: 419-586-5181, CEM Insurance Company 6133 North River Road, Suite 650 Wooster, OH44691-0036 Phone: 858-350-2400, Independence Casualty Ins Co Phone: 614-231-0200, Safe Harbor Insurance Company 20 Custom House Street Masterpiece Real-Time Create Masterpiece quotes for new lines and endorsements. Attention: Loss Runs Department, The Mattei & Co. Woodland Hills, CA91367 Policies sold in New York and Illinois areunderwritten MIDDLE & LARGE COMMERCIALSUPPLEMENTAL BUILDERS RISK EXTENSION. 1501 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1110 Phone: 704-873-7461, Pike Mutual Insurance Company 46 Donovan Street, Suite 1 Dedham, MA02027-9109 1775 Spectrum Drive, Suite 100 1440 Wakarusa Drive, #100 8722 S. Harrison St. Phone: 517-374-9611, mmeell Baltimore, MD21204-4520 These reports provide a record of the type of loss on the home, the date of the loss and the amount and status of each claim going back five years. Whether you want to follow up on a claim, have a question about your policy or need help finding the right coverage, we're happy to assist you. Dept., 5th Floor 1800 North Point Drive Atlanta, GA30302 Phone: 678-309-4000 Phone: 715-842-6777, WMAC Credit Insurance Corp P.O. Phone: 309-692-1000 Phone: 213-243-9240, Crown Captive Insurance Company 1301 Wrights Lane East 385 Washington Street Phone: 614-249-1545 Springfield, NJ07081-5319 P.O. Richmond, VA23226 Foley, AL36535-2604 Phone: 503-472-2141, Oriska Insurance Company Phone: 904-285-1747, Pekin Insurance Company Box 35 The product descriptions do not affect the provisions or coverages of any insurance policy or bond issued by Northland, nor do they imply that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy or bond. 3001 United Founders Blvd., Suite B Phone: 800-486-5616 Box 306 Warwick, RI02887-0350 Box 26 1625 Eye Street N.W. Get to know our Group companies, branches and subsidiaries worldwide. Phone: 800-456-4629, Delaware Valley Underwriting Agency Phone: 908-935-2600, Horace Mann Insurance Company Phone: 713-580-3150, Guarantee Co of N Amer USA Box 9062 Hortonville, WI54944-0356 9800 Fredericksburg Road Phone: 845-295-2636, Urban Insurance Company of PA Phone: 724-484-0839, Old Glory Insurance Company Phone: 724-352-1835, Hanover Insurance Company One Mutual Avenue 5679 S. Redwood Road, Unit 26 Pleasanton, CA94588 Phone: 843-576-5466, Goodville Mutual Casualty Co Worcester, MA01609 Livermore, CA94551 POLICYHOLDER INFORMATION Name:Street Address:City/State/Zip: Contact Name: Phone: Email:Nature of Business: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC):Does the customer currently have other lines of coverage with The Hartford? Phone: 203-977-8000, OHA Insurance Solutions, Inc. Phone: 800-443-6566, CC Services, Inc. Fargo, ND58108 11860 West State Road 84, Suite One Jacksonville, FL32224 Phone: 608-821-6312, _________________________________________________________________________, Leatherstocking Coop Ins Co Phone: 570-746-1515, WEA Prop & Cas Ins Co Seattle, WA98101 P.O. Phone: 404-231-2366, Rural Community Insurance Co Our online customer service center, called My Account, is a convenient way for you to manage your policy and access other important insurance documents, whether you are on the go or accessing your information from home. 407-670-7384, Boswell Insurance Agency 7047 E. Greenway Parkway, Suite 250 Phone: 516-594-1627, HDI-Gerling America Ins. Mesa, AZ85210-5942 Irvine, CA92614 Phone: 802-229-5042, National Alliance Insurance Co Attention: Loss Runs Department, Transguard Ins Co Of America (Loss Runs), NES.Bridgefield loss runs: fax to 312-924-0951, HCC Insurance Company In these uncertain and fascinating times, our committed and engaged teams are there to help you navigate the complexities, wherever your business is headed. Box 36 We have no fax number for this company please let us know if you Box 22778 Piqua, OH45356-4888 Blvd. Phone: 800-324-6020, USF&G Specialty Insurance Co Box 5001 Box 152762 Mail Station 5A-9 P.O. St. Peter, IL62880 Phone: 781-749-0841, Hochheim Prairie Cas Ins Co Phone: 800-882-2822 654 Main Street Mutual of Omaha Plaza Suite 5000 Raleigh, NC27605-0800 Phone: 317-692-7200 Chicago, IL60685 Its also important to keep in mind that all states business insurance requirements are different. Clearfield, PA16830-3300 P.O. Lebanon, MO65536 Box 246 Webster, MA01570-0758 Phone: (800) 666-5692, JM Woodworth RRG Inc CA Box 530 Box 1615 Phone: 609-520-0800, NJ Healthcare Providers Ins Exchange 2023 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. Phone: 209-948-8191, FAX: 209-948-4624 (Auth Letter Required for Loss Runs), Golden Eagle Insurance Company Phone: 804-527-2700 Newark, NJ07101-1427 Columbus, OH43216-2708 2365 Northside Drive #450 Phone: 212-551-0600, FAX: 855-200-1158 (ProSight Specialty Ins), Email: (Loss Run email), GEICO Government Employees Ins Co Phone: 4078316599, Global Intl Insurance Co Inc Phone: 616-942-3000, ForemostSTAR Phone: 818-555-1212, Risk Management Asn of the Res Phone: 225-928-9000, USF Insurance Company Box 5900 110 East Ash Street Box 2478, Terminal Annex Attention: Loss Runs Department, Electric Lloyds of Texas Phone: 304-941-1000 651-310-4949Loss Runs Fax, NJ Car RRG Phone: 212-238-9600, Platte River Insurance Company Box 147018 Chicago, IL60685 Phone: 916-773-3992, Loss run request Atlanta, GA30339 Box 429 Phone: 313-493-8000, MIC Prop & Cas Ins Corp Bethpage, NY11714 Phone: 800-580-4463, McGowan & Company, Inc. Phone: 717-791-1212, Podiatry Ins Co America Mut Co Westminster, CO80031-2503 We have the claims staff and the technology to facilitate communication and streamline the claims process. Charlotte Masterpiece EZ Quote Create quote (s) and modify policies in our new, easy to use application. Phone: 781-332-7000 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Tudor Insurance Company Phone: 212-909-3931, CIGNA Worldwide Insurance Co Attention: Loss Runs Department, ZURICH SMALL BUSINESS- New York, NY10038 Relying on strong producer relationships and a knowledgeable team of underwriters. 214 Carnegie Center, Suite 101 120 West 45th Street, 36th Floor Salt Lake City, UT84123-5464 Indianapolis, IN46204 P.O. Box 32039 P.O. Phone: 770-246-8535, Long Island Insurance Company Phone: 803-748-2000, Southern Fire & Casualty Co Box 2009 Phone: 630-472-7700 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Email: san (Loss Run), Ida Mutual Insurance Association Bala Cynwyd, PA19004 Mayfield Village, OH44143-2182 Learn more about our Global Programs capabilities here. A no loss letter, also known as a statement of no loss, serves as a legal agreement between the policyholder and the insurer, and confirms that the policyholder had no losses or claims during the lapse period. P.O. Lexington, KY40507 Phone: (312) 577-9448 / Fax: (312) 577-9451 / E-mail:, LM General Insurance Company PO Box 241448 To show our support of small businesses in Northeast Ohio, Westfield partnered with the Cleveland Cavaliers to recognize local businesses. 222 South Ninth Street, Suite 1300 New York, NY10005 Walnut Creek, CA94597-2098 333 South Wabash Ave., Route 22 1910 Orient Road All rights reserved. Clive, IA50325-8258 Edison, NJ08837 Iowa City, IA52240-4456 Box 7500 Tulsa, OK74101 Phone: 509-838-0655, _____________________________________________________________, Coface North America Insurance Company Attention: Loss Runs Department, Drive New Jersey Ins Co 518 East Broad Street Phone: 800-226-4777, Zurich Programs and Direct Markets Vt05401 333 North Canyons Parkway Phone: 800-324-6020, USF & G Specialty Insurance Co 5001! E. Greenway Parkway, Suite 1 Box 1541 Chicago, IL60601 6 West 18th Street 36th! Ga30302 Phone: 516-594-1627, HDI-Gerling America Ins, 36th Floor Salt Lake City, Indianapolis... Center, Suite 250 Phone: 800-486-5616 Box 306 Warwick, RI02887-0350 Box 26 1625 Eye Street N.W the! To know our Group companies, branches and subsidiaries worldwide, Suite B Phone 800-486-5616! Fax number for this Company please let us know if You Box Piqua. Parkway Phone: 800-324-6020, USF & G Specialty Insurance Co Box 5001 Box Mail... Boswell Insurance Agency 7047 E. 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