, After discovering the Eleventh Metal Kelsier started to prepare his plan by hiring the Kandra OreSeur. We dont haveto do this. A natural leader, Kelsier used his charismatic personality to draw skilled and loyal Mistings to his own crew and eventually to lead a rebel army. When Marasi Colms discovers an agent of the Ghostbloods, Moonlight, she manages to convince her to take Marasi to a warehouse in Bilming to aid in the fight against the Set. Will we learn more about him in The Lost Metal? We do it because we want to. Alloy of Law served mostly to introduce us to the main characters (and we will go into each of them in more depth below). But spiking modifies the spirit web, which is the same whether your a cognitive shadow or not,and so it could have provided him benefits. [3] He considers him to be very dangerous. After Kelsier died, when Vin fought the Lord Ruler, Marsh killed the other Steel Inquisitors in Luthadel and saved Vin's life. [47] After that, he left the area of the Cognitive Realm surrounding Scadrial and moved closer to finding the Ire. [2] Kelsier later reveals in his letter to Vin that he had intended to use the Eleventh Metal to destroy the Lord Ruler but could not discover how to use it in his fight. Sixteen months later, when Kelsier was unable to get his weekly atium geode, Mare gave Kelsier hers, claiming that she had found two that week. VenDell: A kandra who often delivers messages on behalf of Harmony. This severely angered Kelsier and crushed morale within his crew, making them feel that they wouldn't be needed now that the army had been slaughtered. Kelsier: The famed Survivor of Hathsin, a half-skaa mistborn who led a revolution against the Lord Ruler. It's not a sad death. Kelsier, famously known as the Survivor of Hathsin, is a powerful Mistborn and one of the main characters in Mistborn: The Final Empire . If were talking about Kelsier getting spiked though, I dunno what the point of spiking him would be. (The Mistborn Saga #1) by Brandon Sanderson (Goodreads Author) 4. Even with the strongest criminal team ever put together, Kel's scheme appears to be the absolute long shot. [37], Ah, but being an annoyance is something that I am very good at. [45] They question him on Preservation's appearance after learning he has spoken directly with the Shard, and then continue their discussion onto other topics. His late wife Mare collected pre-Ascension memorabilia, and he keeps one piece, a drawing of a flower,[7] to inspire his crew. Having escaped death only by becoming a Mistborn . [50] He stayed with her for a while after that but ultimately had to leave. He once used them in his fight with a Steel Inquisitor, so the metals acted like they were alive, twitching and flying through the air to cut and distract the Steel Inquisitor. Donald Mustard, de facto head of Fortnite, is real life friends with Brandon Sanderson, and approached him about getting characters from his books into the game. That said though, Im also kind of confused at what Ruin would be trying to accomplish even if TLR HAD been spiked. (Otherwise, Inquisitors would be very very dead). So i just finished Mistborn: Secret History and in the Postscribtum Brandon mentions that he as a very clear idea what Kelsier is doing and will be dropping hints again. In the event of his death, Kelsier ordered his kandra, OreSeur, to ingest his remains, masquerading as a resurrected holy figure. When used Allomantically, the metal is said to burn with a pure whiteness and will slowly be consumed, in the same way it would be by a Misting or Mistborn. (Remember how I mentioned all those spoilers? Later, Kelsier invited a team of the best thieves in the city to a gathering in Camon's safe house. All I want is for somebody to clarify what your theory actually is. Together with his wife Mare, he led daring heists and gained great renown. Brandon definitely knew Kelsier wasn't gone from the beginning. We were having a nice, thought provoking discussion, and you added nothing to it. Breeze would recruit men for the rebellion, Ham would train them in the Arguois caverns, Dockson would direct the operation's finances, Clubs would hide the group's Allomancy with copperclouds, OreSeur in the role of Lord Renoux would buy the necessary equipment, Marsh would infiltrate the Steel Ministry posing as an obligator, Kelsier would use his Mistborn power to make attacks on the nobility to create tension between the houses, and Vin would gather information in the noble court posing as Renoux's niece Valette. We dont really know if the rebels that stabbed TLR used enough force to get the head of the spear all the way through his body so the metal head of the spear wouldnt be touching him. A Steel Inquisitor had been present, discovering Vin's Allomancy. Be. We want to discuss this theory. In the hundreds of years following his death at the hands of Rashek, Kelsier was revived with the help of Spook and Harmony, becoming a messiah known as the Sovereign to the Southern Scadrians. Then Yeden would gain control of the city and the crew would receive the Lord Ruler's atium stash as payment. Marsh is aware of Kelsiers current activities as a Cognitive Shadow. [31] He lost these abilities in death and has not recovered them.[22]. TheManKnownAsHoid, August 2, 2018. [3] He appears to be using the Ghostbloods to find a way for him to leave Scadrial and is very interested in learning from the Heralds, particularly Kalak, as they are subject to a similar restriction. [56] He does not yet know the secret to overcome this limitation. He overcomes this character flaw eventually (demonstrated by saving the noblemen Elend Venture from certain death) when Vin convinces him that there are good people among the nobility. As of the end of The Bands of Mourning, he has a very obvious crush on Marasi. But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. This information has the ability to potentially ruin elements of the plot for the reader. Now we are two Books deep into the Second Era and maybe i need to re-read them with more cosmere awareness but i cant remember any hints of a Cognitiv/Cosmereaware Kelsier . , When several skaa from the rebellion were about to be executed, Kelsier attempts to save them. [44] He walks past Luthadel towards the lake of the same name, near which he finds Khriss and Nazh. Kelsier went on a pewter flare run to save the army, but was too late to stop the battle. He is credited as the first to ever escape the death camp, and from henceforth he was titled the Survivor of Hathsin. See below for the whole section on Kelsier and what hes been up to behind the scenes. Wayne: Waxs loyal sidekick, Wayne has a tendency to borrow things and has an aversion to using guns despite his duty as a lawman. At the end of TheBands of Mourning, she was shot several times but retained a metalmind and escaped. He is the central figure of the religion known as the Church of the Survivor. Dick was so focused on the rhythm of movement and moving toward the name, he almost missed the quiet sound of a cloak fluttering behind him. Kelsier fell in love with a Tineye crewmember of Dockson's retinue named Mare, whom he later married. His healing heals his spiritweb, so it's theoretically possible to use him as an infinite source of spikes.. Of course, the WoB about it just says that spiking Hoid would work very weirdly. At the beginning of the novella, Kelsier is killed by the Lord Ruler, but refuses to pass on to the Beyond, and instead becomes trapped in the Cognitive Realm, between the Physical and Spiritual realm. And vapor in the air, confined to night. Dockson once again became Kelsier's organizer and right hand man. Also, you talked about, as I mentioned, how you want to discuss this theory. Its probably not realistic though. He teamed up with the escaped Plantation skaa Dockson and the Tineye Mare, whom he married. Even if it weren't a viable metal, as a Mistborn he would have been able to burn it, and he wasn't able to sense it at all. And the whole point of the Cosmere Discussion forumis to discuss irrelevant theories and minutiae about the Cosmere. [42] For a period, he did not fully respect or believe Leras's divinity, but over time he came to respect him more. If it did, the Koloss who died wouldn't have reverted to Humans when Kelsier saw them die. Sure, it makes it interesting and thought provoking, but I never said it wasn't. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. When Bleeder killed Father Bin by nailing him to a wall, it is described as a parody of the Survivor's Statemark,[60] implying that the Statemark depicts the way Kelsier died, impaled by a spear. Mistborn Era 2 takes place 341 years after the events in the original trilogy, but theres another little story that we hope youve also read that takes place between themMistborn: Secret History. He also searched far and wide for possible ways to defeat the Lord Ruler, and managed to find an ingot of the fabled Eleventh Metal (he claimed he had found it in the west, which is considered to be a lie. If Kelsier orders a person around, it is a sign of affection. [54] Secretly, however, he knew that Ruin would send Marsh to intercept the message, and was hoping that reading the message would give Marsh the information he needed to remove Vin's earring, which was also a Hemalurgic spike that was keeping her from taking up Preservation's power. Marsh/Ironeyes/Death: Kelsier's Inquisitor brother, who possesses Hemalurgic spikes, allowing him to use the abilities of Hemalurgy. [29] Hoid has also taken direct action against him, giving Wax an unsealed coppermind containing knowledge that he would rather keep hidden. See the original version. Sure, maybe it would be active for a split second when touching blood or whatever like you said,but as soon as the head passes out of his body on the other side, it wouldnt affect him anymore. When Kelsier's father discovered the truth of their parentage, he had their mother executed and attempted to do the same to the brothers, who fled. He was killed by the Lord Ruler in The Final Empire, but has resurrected. Started by When Kelsier was in the Cognitive Realm after his release, he often would show up to him in order to mock him and his inability to do anything. His most prominent trademark is the multitude of long scars running down his arms, a memento of time spent in the Pits of Hathsin. You cant discuss a theory with only the people who agree with it. He burned down the manor and purposely departed in a way that forced the skaa to join the rebellion. [42] Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the Well allowed him to become a Cognitive Shadow and resist the pull of the Beyond. Thus was born a sense of resentment for the nobility in both children, which resulted in Marsh becoming the leader of the Skaa Rebellion and Kelsier became a crewleader for a gang of Misting thieves, stealing from the noble families. Kelsier has also been keeping himself busy by interfering with Roshar (the world in which The Stormlight Archive is set). Before his death, Kelsier had tried to unlock the potential of the 11th metal, which was rumored to be the Lord Ruler's weakness. Before leaving them, he created the Bands of Mourning, a collection of unsealed metalminds forged together and containing all kinds of attributes in extremely large quantities. He justifies his behavior as faithfulness to the Survivor of Hathsin, since Kelsier himself had been known to express outright hatred for the nobility. Mare joined him there a few months later. And if we ignore that as well, Kelsier's cognitive shadow doesn't seem to have any of his mistborn powers so an extra hemalurgic power would likely mean nothing at that point. When he arrived in Luthadel, he first reunited with his old partner and best friend Dockson. He is the central figure of the religion known as the Church of the Survivor . Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the. So, Im kind of with Ishar a little bit. The Lord Ruler was just too powerful and him trying to run would've destroyed any of the rebellion he was trying to build. During this time, he attempted a second breakin of Kredik Shaw, and was unsuccessful; nearly getting Vin killed in the process. Kelsier had traveled there several years after the Catacendre, inhabiting a physical body that was spiked in the right eye, and found the Southern Scadrians slowly dying of an unexplained coldness. Please note that there are also some spoilers in here for The Stormlight Archive. Khriss mentions the Ire which sets Kelsier onto his next quest of finding their base of operation. Here is where Vin comes in. After removing her second spike and adding one of Trellium, she went mad and began working with the Set, and was defeated. At the end of the book, Waxillium Ladrian is given a feruchemic coin by Hoid which stores the memory of a man with one eye and one hemalurgic spike, with arms covered in scars. They were extremely successful. I cant find that WOB in Arcanum, but he definitely had at least one spike at the end of Bands of Mourning. Kelsier's legacy continues to influence people all across the five dominances. What are you actually theorizing. The new skin is based on Kelsier, a central character of the series. But was that truly the end of his tale? After Marsh was seemingly killed by Inquisitors, Kelsier traveled to the Pits of Hathsin, and in his anger, destroyed all the atium-producing crystals there, forever halting the production of atium. We know that Waxs sister, Telsin, is a high-ranking member and that she escaped alive at the end of TheBands of Mourning. Taken in congruence with the events of Secret History, this man appears to be Kelsier. I doubt that its a spike however simply for the reason of what attribute would theyspike into Kelsier. As the Sovereign, Kelsier ruled the Southern Scadrians for a time and formed another religion that deified Metalborn, and then he left. Kelsier later gave this drawing to Vin. [12] He always smiles and projects an excited and positive attitude, which is particularly unusual in the skaa underground. [53][54] He used this opportunity to tell Spook to send a message to Vin, warning her that any spiked person could potentially be under Ruin's control. Kelsier had lots of plans and backup plans. Think of this article as one of those Last time on recaps at the beginning of a television show. No, Kelsier was not fond of Marsh. It is there revealed that it was Kelsier's ghost who stabbed Elend at the end of Well of Ascension, not Preservation. I dont mean to sound aggravated or anything. [79], This page or section contains spoilersfor, This page or section needs to be updated with new informationfor, Kelsier to the Lord Ruler, last words before death, This article is still missing information. Kelsier was kind of Ruins agent on Scadrial while he was there, even though he didnt actually have a spike. And for all of you who feel the theory doesnt have a point, you can just stop posting. Without a Physical aspect, his powers failed. The two of them have a strained relationship. Like all Southern Scadrians, he wears a red and black mask at all times. However, Kelsier is then confronted by the Lord Ruler, who backhands him across the face and then stabs him in the chest with a spear, killing him. TLRwas gonna kill Kelsier anyways. Foopers. This thread only relatesto Mistborn, and should probably be moved to the mistborn forum,instead of the Cosmere forum, to avoid spoilers. Hmmm, he was flat on the ground from the Lord Rulers hit when he was stabbed. [15] He shows little empathy or fear, as well as a high ego,[14] and is frequently quick to resort to using violenceoften lethal violenceto solve problems,[16][17][18][19] even when doing so clearly won't actually help the people he is supposedly trying to help. Kelsier dies. Kelsier is the leader and presumed founder of the organization, which Mraize calls "the most powerful organization in all the cosmere. Thankfully, a certain someone found them (see Kelsiers section below) and helped them to survive. HE CANT BE HEMALURGICALLY SPIKED IF THE METAL ISNT TOUCHING HIS INSIDES. Thus he decides to go along with him out of curiosity. Honestly, you should have seen it coming. As such, I wont be delving into every plot and character nuanceonly the ones which are likely to be relevant toThe Lost Metal. Kelsier draws up a master plan for the job, in which he designates each member of his crew to a role. [33] As a result, he has both regular vision and the steelsight that Inquisitors used, allowing him to see via both normal light and trace metals. It was Mare who gave Kelsier a drawing of a flower, a remnant of a time before ash clouded the sky and plants grew withered and brown. He is confronted by a Steel Inquisitor, which he eventually manages to defeat by beheading him with the Inquisitor's own obsidian axe. , Kelsier is terrified by Ati and the power that he holds, seeing and feeling it through the Well of Ascension.[74]. His cheerful exterior hides his doubts over Mare's loyalty, whom he continues to believe to have betrayed him until Vin demonstrates that it is possible to pierce copperclouds. Theres always another secret, but well have answers to some as of November 15th! Now lets talk a bit more in depth about Kelsier, and what hes been up to. It is assumed that, based on his experience as a Misting crew leader that staged increasingly daring heists, he had broken into the Ministry building of Urteau and discovered the secret in the storage cache). And he didnt have metals as a cognitive shadow, so we have no way of knowing. The reason he would fit well as an Edgedancer is mainly because of what he picked up from Mare regarding restoring the world to the time of flowers and greenery. The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works, now including The Lost Metal and Tress of the Emerald Sea (Secret Project 1). In his interactions with them, he goes by another name you might recognize if youre a Stormlight fan Thaidakar. He introduced them and Vin to Yeden and explained his plan to destroy the Final Empire and kill the Lord Ruler. Kelsier's own role takes advantage of his Mistborn training, allowing him to assassinate nobles, cause disruptions in the Great Houses and eventually ignite a house war that would tear Luthadel apart from within. He infiltrated the Steel Inquisitors, and is one of the few remaining characters from the original trilogy who is alive. He also appears to be the only remaining Mistborn thanks to Hemalurgy. This page was last edited on 27 January 2023, at 22:51. Shes also written one novel and is working on several more. He was the leader. Now there is also the question of why your comment was warranted. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. Willshaper is high on the list as well. This one will be important. All Im saying is that whether or not TLR could have been hemalurgically spiked depends entirely upon whether or not the rebels stabbing him with spears only stabbed hard enough to just barely get the metal heads in, which would technically allow for hemalurgical side effects, or if the rebels stabbed him with enough force that the spear head went ALL THE WAY THROUGH HIM and stuck out the other side of his body, leaving him with only the wooden haft still inside of him and the metal heads not touching his insides. In Bands of Mourning, we were introduced to the Malwish, a culture from Southern Scadrial. He hid the artifact away somewhere in the north and then disappeared. And we know Ruin was able to manipulatepeople, particularly unstable people like Vin's mother and Gemmel, so is it possible that the rebels who stabbed the Lord Ruler were influenced by Ruin to create a Hemalurgic Spike? Now that weve got that basic synopsis out of the way, lets start off with a handy character primer. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. The spirit of Kelsier often appears in Spook's hallucinations, granting him the power to burn pewter and guiding him through difficult situations. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. Kelsier is Vins mentor and teaches her to use her Allomantic abilities. Honestly, I am kinda confused as to what this theory is trying to say, and how it is relevant to current and future cosmere. Mistborn (Series) Personality Type: ENTP - 8w7 - so/sx - 873 - EIE - SCOEI - Sanguine-Choleric - EF (N) One of the most legendary men known to the Skaa. The Inquisitors' eyespikes poked out the back. Fortnite dropped the official announcement early Friday. One of Kelsier's defining characteristics is his infallible optimism, even in the face of disastrous situations. Not again. Although he had only come into his powers three years before the beginning of Mistborn: The Final Empire, Kelsier repeatedly demonstrates a level of skill and finesse greater than that of most other Mistborn. It reacts explosively to water. A lawman through and through, Wax is now semi-retired as High Lord of his House. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. Protecting you.Giving you power!, When Leras died and Ruin began to Splinter the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier used the Ire's orb to Connect with Preservation and Ascend, allowing him to protect the power and hold it until Vin could take it. The issue with a spear is if the metal head is all the way out of the body, and only the wooden haft is actually touching. People have theorized similar about Hoid. He forced the rest of the crew to leave, only leaving Vin. In this novella covering the events of the first Mistborn trilogy, Kelsier is trapped in the Well of Ascension following his death. He also has medallions which grant him Allomantic abilities. Mister Suit had been captured and possibly killed, but Lady Sequence (Telsin) had escaped, and there are rumblings of more devious plots afoot something to do with the kandra who are working for the Set, and Trell. Gave Entrone: An amateur archeologist who insulted Steris at a party. Kelsier was the primary mentor of Vin and crewleader to the gang who was credited for overthrowing the Final Empire. Kelsier was the primary mentor of Vin and crewleader to the gang who was credited for overthrowing the Final Empire. Its central tenet is simply to survive, by any means, until you cannot survive any longer. Wayne is also a twinborn; his skills are Slider (creating speed bubbles) and Bloodmaker (he can store health in his metalminds in order to help facilitate healing). 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