3. This Model applies to courses with a 50:50 weighting between Parts I and II. Equally, a student who has successfully completed the Qualifying Stage of an Honours course and does not proceed will be awarded an Undergraduate Certificate. For more information, please consult the following: 1. 11 240 0 14. All unit marks are converted to a 0-100 scale before degree classification starts. The re-assessment mark for the module will then be a combination (on the same basis as in Regulation 6 of the Award of credit section above) of the marks from the components passed first time and the components which have been re-assessed. Connect with the University of Nottingham through social media and our blogs. Includes:use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances; footnotes, Following moderation an agreed algorithm is used to determine the final composite mark. Part I. Any of the above regulations may be varied as stated in the relevant programme specification e.g. Includes:supplementary and fitness to practice regulations; assessment regulations; extenuating circumstances; contact details. A student who fails one or more modules will still complete that stage (subject to Regulation 11 below), and so be awarded the total credit for that stage provided that they have: (a) Passed modules worth at least 80 credits and have a weighted average for the stage of at least 40% with no module marks of less than 30%, (b) Passed modules worth at least 100 credits and have a weighted average for the stage of at least 50%. It also constitutes the summative assessment for the apprenticeship award. This means that very good and very poor performance may be under- and over-stated respectively, or marks at the outer ends of the student's run of marks, perhaps awarded by other Schools, may have a disproportionate arithmetic impact on the classification of subject performance. Students in a borderline, who entered Qualifying year prior to September 2020, will be considered under the regulations applicable pre-September 2020, Undergraduate degree classification from September 2020, Assessment, awards and degree classification, Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development, Assessment overview and School responsibilities, Policy on self-certification for examinations, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNUK, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNNC, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNM, Covid-19 PGT Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNUK, Covid-19 PGT Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNNC, Covid-19 PGT Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNM. A student who failsa non-compensatable module will not complete that stage without successfully undertaking re-assessment in that module. Where a student is permitted to be reassessed under Regulation 13, 16 or 19, and has failed in modules worth no more than 20 credits, they may choose to proceed to the next stage of their programme but cannot be regarded as having completed that stage until the previous stage has been successfully completed. Marks awarded for modules in the foundation or qualifying stage do not contribute to the final mark calculation except in the case of Foundation Certificates and Undergraduate Certificates. 6. 40%+ (which can include reassessment marks from Parts I/II/III). 2. Students must select their modules in accordance with the relevant programme specification and the Universitys Qualifications Framework. All re-assessments must be undertaken before the studentprogresses tothe next stage (but seeRegulation 20 below). Nottingham, United Kingdom. Includes:commencement dates; former regulations. Affiliates. There are two routes by which you can achieve a given degree classification: a 'majority' route, and a 'weighted mean' route. All markers in a School should be clearly briefed on these processes each academic year. A student should be given the higher classification if the following criterion is met: This does not preclude the consideration ofExtenuating Circumstancesof students, whether inside or outside the borderline. calculating the degree classification on the basis of the second and third years. All assessments for programmes and modules leading to a University award must involve both one or more internal examiners and one or more independent external examiners. For more information, please consult the following: Appointment and responsibilities of External Examiners. Students in category (iii) above who fail to meet the specified requirement may be unable to progress but subject to satisfying Regulation 9 above will be awarded the Foundation Certificate. Where there has been a clear flaw in the assessment process (e.g. All reassessments will take place in August/September immediately following the first assessment (but seeRegulations 16 and 20 below), except: 16. A non-honours degree requires a minimum of 360 credit points including at least 60 at level 3. 9.1 Pre-undergraduate, Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes Awarding Principles 9.2 Pre-undergraduate and Undergraduate Programme Stage Weighting 9.3 Rules for Classification of Non-Honours Direct Entry Undergraduate Awards 9.4 Rules for Classification of Bachelors and Integrated Masters Degrees 5 with a min. For more information about the University's Qualifications Framework, please consult the following page: 10. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs. Academic-Service-Office@nottingham.edu.cn, Quality-Manual-Enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park The profiling systemmust be stated in the programme specification and made explicit and clear to students from the start of their studies through School Handbooks. Any outcomes from their application during academic year 2019/20 will, however, continue to be honoured and used in all decisions regarding those affected. It also constitutes the summative assessment for the apprenticeship award. The form of the re-assessment will be the same as for the first attempt unless stated otherwise in the module specification. Marking advice should be available to markers in relation to all forms of assessment used within the School/Department. Undergraduate degree classification from September 2020 Undergraduate degree classification from September 2015 to September 2020 Postgraduate taught degrees from September 2021 Postgraduate taught degrees from September 2015 (for students starting awards from September 2016) Degree classification before September 2015 If there is a 50:50 split between Parts I and II then the calculation is a straightforward median of 24 grades. if there is a specific stated stricter requirement by a professional body accrediting the programme, or is required to meet Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) requirements for attainment on an apprenticeship programme, or an exception has been formally approved. This page contains the degree classifications for all postgraduate taught students who began their awards from September 2021. an industrial placement, a year abroad at an international University) where this year forms part of the degree programme, and is therefore assessed, but which does not contribute to the marks for the classification of the degree. 2. For more information about the Exceptional Regulations as a whole, please consult the following: Exceptional Regulations: Covid-19 - 2019/20 - 2020/21, Academic-Service-Office@nottingham.edu.cn, Quality-Manual-Enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) prescribes that the assessment of the End-Point Assessment is performed by suitably qualified Independent Assessors. Its content is applicable to undergraduate students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. Still underemployed ten years after university. 6 240 0 3. The transcript that comes with your degree certificate is called a Diploma Supplement and is written to an agreed, pan-European template. Taught Postgraduate awards (to apply to courses beginning in September 2006 and after) Includes: classification; postgraduate diplomas and certificates; borderlines All awards Includes: use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances; footnotes Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19 Further details can be found in the "Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19" section below. For more information, please consult the following: 7. Where such a flaw is identified Schools should develop a suitable adjustment to be applied to all marks and report this to the External Examiners. This page contains the degree classifications for all undergraduate and postgraduate taught students who entered their Qualifying year or Part I before September 2015. Students with acceptable extenuating circumstances should be considered in accordance with the extenuating circumstances policy and procedures. ii) Are in the final stage/year for which a further attempt at the assessment has not been possible by the time of the Examination Boards meeting. Following the rounding convention set out above, overall marks of 39.5, 49.5, 59.5, and 69.5 will be rounded to 40, 50, 60 & 70 respectively. Where this is the case it must be stated in the relevant programme specification. If you think this is relevant to you, please email visiting-students@nottingham.ac.uk and we can produce a letter confirming your study dates and School/Department free of charge. Assessmentsthat contribute to the final module/programme mark: Such assessments which do not contribute to the final module/programme mark are second marked where appropriate on a sampling basis by a member of academic staff. Results. 5. Reports should be submitted at the same time as the main Examination Board recommendations in June/July (Undergraduate programmes). "Exit velocity" is one line of argument used by promoters. These regulations take effect from 2020/21 for students entering Qualifying year or Part I from September 2020. Nottingham, NG7 2RD. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. All instances in which such exclusions are applied should becommunicated toRegistry and Academic Affairs, Quality and Student Management Systems Teamfor report to Quality and Standards Committee (QSC). Other students are subject to the former regulations, except for Regulation 26 (b) which applies to all students from September 2020. Extended Classification Borderline 2020-21 As part of UCL's 'no detriment' package for the 2020-21 academic year, the Classification Borderline was widened by 1.00% for students enrolled as finalists in 2020-21. 21. The only exception to this is where an external body requires that a Viva Voce examination is held as a separate assessment forming part of the decision-making process. Includes:role of School Boards; requirements of the School; Marking criteria examples; double-marking. In respect of any assessment carried out by postgraduate students with teaching responsibilities, Heads of School should ensure that: 1. 4. 2The board of examiners will decide on the equivalency of a degree and on An absolute minimum number of student submissions for each assessment must be reviewed by the moderator. For more information, please consult the following: Legibility of work submitted for assessment. Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs. 5 in any of the four components Pre Sessional Start 4. Connect with the University of Nottingham through social media and our blogs. Standardised weightings between Parts apply unless an approved PSRB or other exemption has been given and this is stated in the relevant programme specification(s). United Kingdom GPA calculator Scale, Grade Description, Division, US Grade University of Nottingham Postgraduate Solve mathematic problems Math is a way of solving problems by using numbers and equations. Find out how this works. All Schools are required to have written marking criteria across the full range of marks available (0-100) which is published in School Handbooks. Scores within 12 points of a First, II-1, II-2 and III Class threshold are defined as borderline. This page was previously affected by these arrangements and has been documented accordingly. If Part II counts for twice as much as Part I the Year 3 grades are counted twice. (b) Where the student has approved extenuating circumstances claims satisfying each of the following. Ordinary Degrees and Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates and Diplomas are classified using a weighted numerical average as defined under Model 1 above. The classification rules for Taught Masters, Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates (that is, the award of Merits and Distinctions) are contained in the Universitys Taught Postgraduate Regulations. (ii) Certain Honours programmes with a compulsory period away from the University. Schools can obtain guidance on these regulations by emailing: Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development, Assessment, awards and degree classification, Flow chartof progression, compensation and reassessment for undergraduate honours courses, Covid-19 UG Progression Exceptional Regulations - UNUK, Covid-19 UG Progression Exceptional Regulations - UNNC, Covid-19 UG Progression Exceptional Regulations - UNM, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNUK, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNNC, Covid-19 UG Classification Exceptional Regulations - UNM. 69.45 becomes 69.4, which is rounded to 69). Campus maps | More contact information | Jobs, * In consideration that not all students who entered Part I in September 2020 may be aware of the changes to borderline criteria which would be applied from summer 2022, the borderline criteria taking effect from September 2020 will apply only to students who entered Qualifying year from September 2020 onwards. When they graduate, students should simply be given a transcript of their marks as a record their study, says Jonathan Wolff. A module specification may stipulate that in order for a student to be reassessed in that module, the student must repeat their enrolment. In considering the fraction of credits at the higher level, all modules are to be counted even those that have been excluded from the calculation of the final average under 26(b). Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. For more information about this section, please consult footnote 2 of the All awards section below. Please note, this model only applies to students who entered pre-September 2004. For more information, please consult the following: 1. Academic-Service-Office@nottingham.edu.cn, Quality-Manual-Enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park This page was previously affected by these arrangements and has been documented accordingly. There are, however, two situations in which further considerations come into play. Viva voce examinations may only be used as part of a documented assessment procedure and should not be used as part of the consideration of borderline candidates or in the final decision making process. Any outcomes from their application during academic year 2019/20 will, however, continue to be honoured and used in all decisions regarding those affected. Further details can be found in the "Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19" section below. A weighted numerical average is calculated using the weightings indicated in 3 and 4 above. Pass* that is,an unclassified degree and therefore awarded without honours. Includes:commencement dates; former regulations. Good bibliography. Please email ss-documents@nottingham.ac.uk and they will direct you to the relevant team. The permitted weightings are defined on the following page: 26. Schools should ensure that clear statements of the responsibilities of those involved in computation, checking and recording of assessment data exist. For more information, please consult the following: Postgraduate students with teaching responsibilities may also act as internal examiners. These can be distinguished according to the different stages of the assessment process at which they operate: The appropriate combination of these elements of quality assurance will vary by discipline and assessment task, so some variation in practice between Schools is to be expected and not all elements will be appropriate to all assessments. Its contents are only applicable to students who were admitted from that date but may also be of interest to staff across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. [ Note: *The classification rules for students admitted directly to the final year of a degree are 'based on the straight average of the modules pursued at Swansea in the final year'.] "Exit velocity" is one line of argument used by promoters. But what about those students on the borderline? For more information, please consult the following: Policy on penalties for late submission of assessed work. A student who passes all the modules in a given stage of their course (as defined in the Universitys Qualifications Framework) will complete that stage and be awarded the total credit for that stage. All students must have passed at least 270 credits to be eligible for a degree. https://students.shu.ac.uk/regulations/assessment_awards/Standard%20Assessment%20Regulations%202020-21.pdf#page10 Reply 4 1 year ago Shah1996 OP 3 GabiAbi84 Where a School agrees to a written request from the student to take the reassessment at a later date(such requests must be made before the August/September reassessment period); Where a School arranges an earlier reassessment; Where this is not possible owing to external constraints; Where different arrangements are made for distance learning or part-time students. In short, a degree classification is a grade that you can get from doing an undergraduate degree or a postgraduate degree in the UK. Each specific End-Point Assessment plan outlines the final classification criteria for the apprenticeship award. Only the following rounded marks will be regarded as borderline: Includes: classifications; borderlines; calculating an overall average. Delivery Options Information Unit mark is the mark awarded for an individual piece of assessed work, which goes towards the computation of a module mark using a weighting formula. There may be circumstances in which a student is unable to proceed carrying credits, for example: In those circumstances, Schools are required to have an approved Exemption from the regulation and to ensure that students are made aware of this exemption in the relevant Programme Specification. These records should be available to External Examiners as soon as possible and be tabled at relevant Examination Boards. Unlike marks adjustment, moderation examines the application of standards to a unit of assessment, and does not compare marks across different cohorts. 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